Church Groups

Catering at the Bridge Church
A team of volunteers provide catering for many of the church activities and meetings, ranging from tea and biscuits, cold buffets and three course meals.  Teas on the Lawn and the Harvest Supper are examples of events in the Church life which are catered for.

Our kitchens are well stocked and maintained. We hold a 5 star food hygiene rating from Leeds City Council.
Wherever possible, Fairtrade goods are used.

Churches Together in Otley
The Bridge Church has been a member of Churches Together in Otley since its inception - we think it is important for Christians in the town to demonstrate our unity. All of the mainstream denominations are members.
Every year, at Easter, CTO are responsible for erecting the cross on the top of the Chevin - a very visible
witness across the town.  CTO arrange a number of activities throughout the year - including some joint acts of worship.

Flower Arrangers
We are a small group of church people who organise flower arrangements in Church for each Sunday Service, plus any other events that require a flower display.

Each week we buy flowers and arrange them for the weekend display.  We are reliant on the generosity and goodwill of our Church family who donate money to cover the cost of the flowers for which we are very thankful and we could not carry out our work without their help.
After our Sunday Service, the flowers are distributed to members of our Church family who are celebrating or are under the weather.

Food and Friends
If you like good food and friendship this is the group for you. We are a mixed group of mainly retired people, but anyone, especially if you are lonely, is welcome to join us.
Our programme is usually coffee and biscuits, a ‘Thought for the Day’, a speaker (we have speakers on a wide variety of subjects) followed by a hot two course lunch. Those who attend enjoy nurturing friendships old and new.

Toddlers at the Bridge
We run groups on Thursday and Friday (term time) from 9:30am to 11:00am.  Parents and carers with babies and pre -school children meet in the spacious hall for a fun time with lots of toys, singing, stories and chat.  Refreshments are provided for which a small donation is made.
Come and join us; you will receive a warm welcome from a Church representative.
A toy library is available every fortnight


If you enjoy singing , come and join us every other Monday from 7.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. and we can assure you that by the end of the evening you will "feel good".  Our repertoire ranges from Joseph to Bob Marley to Les Miserables and it continues to grow.  You do not need to be able to read music, just have a wish to SING FOR FUN!

Supper Club
Supper Club meet on the 3rd Thursday evenings in the month and men from the church and their friends gather for an informal cooked meal which is followed by speakers, entertainment and outside visits throughout the year.

The Bridge Cafe
The Bridge Cafe is open from 2-4pm every Thursday for people living with dementia and their carers.

There are a number of regular visitors who enjoy various activities including board games, dominoes, quoits and quiz's or just having a chat. We play music and serve home-made cakes and hot drinks.
Our volunteers are always happy to welcome new visitors so if you know anyone who would benefit from what we offer, please pick up a flyer from the back of the church which gives more details.
Comments heard "We enjoy coming for the activities and refreshments"; "We have made new friends".

The ‘T’Club
The ‘T’ Club meets on the 4th Thursday evenings each month from 7.30pm to 9.30pm between September and June.  We enjoy speakers, activities, trips out, musical evenings and theatre visits.
After the speaker we have tea and biscuits and enjoy a short time of social fellowship.

Women’s Meeting at 2.30 every other Monday afternoon,
Where you'll get a hearty welcome from friends there very soon,
We have afternoons of music and solemn topics too,
also slides of many travels, and flower arrangements people do.
Religious themes and favourite hymns, even exercise for ageing limbs!
We have beetle drives and quizzes to brighten wintry weather,
and thank God for His blessings as we join in prayer together.


Junior Church
Creche / Sparklers
The Creche / Sparklers meet on a Sunday morning and are cared for by staff who are all DBS checked and love children. We care for them from 0-4+ when they move to the next department.  We have lots of room for them to play in and we help them to understand the concept of sharing, caring and loving one another as well as bible-based activities.
Noah, on being given a small gift for attendance, said, “Thank you, but could he still keep coming”.  Of course the reply was “Yes”, we welcome all children.

All Stars
All stars is a fun group for children from Reception (4 years) to Year 4 (8-9 years) where we look at the bible through activities including music, drama, stories, puzzles, crafts and colouring.
We meet on a Sunday part way through morning worship for about 30 minutes.


Uniformed Organisations
Beavers at The Bridge Church: Are you aged between 6 and 8 years? If you like making things, finding out about new things, pitching tents, lighting fires, games, parties, enjoying the out-of doors, helping others and generally having a good time, then Beavers is for you! If you are an adult and this seems like fun to you, then why not become a leader?

Cubs opens up a world of fun and adventure for boys and girls through access to a massive range of activities including camping and adventurous activities, plus creative and cultural pursuits.  Cubs are challenged to try new things and are rewarded for effort, team work and leadership

Scouts - We run an active, fun and exciting program for boys and girls aged 10 to 14.  This includes abseiling, camping, fire-lighting, outdoor cooking, indoor cooking, art and crafts, orienteering, car mechanics, cycling, bike maintenance, hiking, sailing, wide games, building shelters, baseball, karaoke, zip wires and anything and everything you expect and might not expect. Give it a go!

Brownies is for girls 7-10.  Brownies is about trying new things that teach the girls about themselves their community and their world. Introducing girls to a world
of new opportunities, challenges and fun.
They get together with their friends at regular meetings, we're they get creative, have out door adventures and learn new skills. We have sleep overs, day trips, evenings away from the regular meeting place, walk on the Chevin, clip and climb visits to police and fire station.

We are a Guide unit for girls aged 10-14 and meet on a Tuesday evening from 7:15-9:00pm.  We follow the new Guiding programme which cover 6 key themes as well as doing interest badges, days out, holidays, sleepovers and Guiding events. We always welcome new volunteers and girls

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